Quantum Relationship Art

The relationship between all conscious awareness and its influence through time and space on all things – whether apparently connected or not – may manifest through creative thought in the physical reality of an individual as one or more probable outcomes.

“I worked with light to express ideas and emotions about life and relationships. This series of work is broadly entitled ‘Quantum Relationship Art’ and focuses on the relationship connections between all things. In this work, I am looking at human relationships and illustrating the complexity of connections through colour projections.”

QRA - handoflight.uk

When two people meet, a third relationship forms. However, each individual maintains their own identity, despite sharing something of themselves with the other.

QRA - handoflight.uk QRA - handoflight.uk

Societies are formed of many individuals, in close proximity to one another, interacting and building knowledge and experiences, together.

QRA - handoflight.uk QRA - handoflight.uk QRA - handoflight.uk